Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm A Writer, Trust Me and Team Jess Forever


Well, ugh! Just, ugh!

I have been without internet for far too long, but alas, I have it again...

So I guess the proper way to phrase that sentence would be to say "I had been with internet for far too long."

At least I hope that's right. I never learned too many fundamentals in school because I've been able to read since I was 4 so I know the basics instinctively (Like, I totally know I should've just typed out the word "four" instead of putting the number but whatever) but I still get hung on things when I'm writing which is bad being that I want to be a writer and all.

When I write blogs and journals and junk like that, I'm pretty bad. Because I'm just doing it for fun or to organize my thoughts (which never happens) I don't really care how it turns out, so I always wonder if people look at my blogs and then take into account the fact that I want to be a writer and then are appalled by how awful my writing is and think that I'm going nowhere fast (obviously, no one taught me about run on sentences either. Sheesh! Public schools I tell ya.)

But, let me be clear, when I sit down to write something that I hope to work on for six or seven drafts afterward, I'm not too shabby. No first draft is good (NaNoWriMo taught me that). But my first drafts are significantly better than anything I blog on the fly--I certainly hope you didn't think that I actually think about what I'm going to blog before I blog it. Usually I just get a feeling "April, blog. Now. Just go do it" and I do it. There's seriously no more thought in it than that. Sorry to disappoint you if you thought otherwise.

Moving right along, I've just moved. It's great. I'm slowly learning how to cook for myself and the most challenging part of that is trying to figure out to clean off the stove the next day after all the grease and crud is stuck on it. Challenging, especially since I have only a rag and just yesterday got suitable dish soap (why people use anything other than Dawn or Palmolive I'll never know).

In the meanwhile, I've been watching a lot of Gilmore Girls. I love Gilmore Girls and watching it has made me want to write nothing but fluff, fluff, and more fluff, which I don't mind but I'm sure everyone else who is used to me writing Science Fiction is kind of put off by it.

Anyway (and I've seriously been trying to get to this point since I started writing this blog!), it reminded me of BEDA and how I made a post dedicated to my favorite ships and Gilmore Girls reminded me of one I left out:

Rory and Jess!

Now, I tweeted about this earlier--Jess was always my favorite guy. Of all the guys Rory dated I loved him the most and I desperately wanted things to work out with them. I wanted them to be together forever and it breaks my heart that things didn't turn out that way. I mean, I liked Dean at the start. He was very tall and I like very tall guys so I thought "awesome go for it." But then, he got kind of clingy and slightly douchey and I was like, "Ugh, Dean. Go away." I think I stopped liking him after he told Rory he loved her.

And then Jess came to town. Can I just say how adorable young Milo Ventimiglia is? I love him so much and he's kind of a dick but he's supposed to be the bad boy so obviously he's supposed to be that way. But then Dean gets all defensive and territorial, which I get, I wouldn't want some cuter guy with better hair moving in on my lady either, but OMG, Dean, I have yet to meet a girl that's impressed by the whole "Me Tarzan. You Jane. Me protect you" bit. Ugh. Annoying.

Now, I have to say this, though I detest Dean, I felt bad for him. When Rory kissed Jess--totally not okay. And all of that flirting with another guy while you're with some other guy is not okay either. And I want to say "man up and grow some balls" but I know boys can be sensitive too. They have feelings. I know if I did something like that with my boyfriend he'd be upset (of course, that would never happen because I'm not a bad person like Rory).

And on that note, yes, Rory is a bad person. For leading Dean on, but for also leading Jess on. I've already discussed Dean, but not Jess, my favorite.When Rory went to New York to see Jess I thought that they'd get together there. But no. Then I prayed that after they kissed at Sookie's wedding that Rory was running off to break up with Dean because her heart was with Jess. But no. She went to Washington, D.C and continued to have a relationship with Dean to prove to herself that she didn't want Jess.

Stupid girl. That's like choosing Edward over Jacob (except you have better options).

And then when she gets back from D.C. and gets all pissy when Jess is with Shane (have I mentioned I hate Shane?). And then Jess says something totally justified--that she has no right to be angry about him being with some other girl. After all, she never wrote, she never called, never e-mailed, etc. She never showed any indication that she wanted to be with Jess after she ran off to D.C. AND she was (stupidly) still with Dean.

So Jess drove her mad until she got some sense (Oxymoron? Yes, but that's what happened).

Well, no that's a lie. That's not what happened. Jess drove Rory AND Dean mad until Dean realized he was obsolete and then Rory finally saw the light.

And then Jess and Rory began and it was wonderful and sadly short lived. Jess and Rory had their ups and downs because Jess was still figuring himself out which I'm sure is frustrating. In fact I know it's frustrating. I saw how frustrated everyone got when I dropped out of university to go to junior college. Good for me, upsetting and confusing for the rest of the population.

But Jess was a real person. He was so real and he loved Rory so much it drove him crazy. He loved her so much that he didn't want to let her down and that when he did he just couldn't face her. And while that is totally crummy of him to do, you could tell he loved her.

Because he knew Rory would stay with him through everything, but rather than drag her along down his path that seemed to go nowhere, he set her free to go to Yale and meet someone else, even though he loved her.

And that's why Jess is my favorite. When Rory couldn't say she loved Dean, he got mad and left her. And when Rory said no to Logan's proposal he got mad and left her.

Jess didn't want Rory to be with a failure so he left her so she also wouldn't be a failure.

Rory was right--Jess should've said he wasn't graduating and that he couldn't go to prom and that all this bad stuff was happening so they could work it out. It's not okay to run from your problems, Jess. Not okay. But, I still think it was admirable of him not to drag Rory down with him.

Before Jess, I liked Tristan. He was a tool, but there was a person underneath there somewhere.

I like Logan better than Dean but he seemed ritzier than someone I would've put Rory with. Logan's cool don't get me wrong, and when he proposed I had hoped she'd say yes but, alas.

And remember Marty? They never actually went out or anything but he was kind of okay. I liked him more than Dean but less than Logan. Marty acted like he was on his period a lot which was kind of really annoying.

Dean also acted like he was on his period a lot... I'm also irritated that he tried to steal Rory from Jess by trying to work his way up through the friend zone. And I know, that's EXACTLY what Jess did, but Jess did it better and by the time Dean did it, it's already been done.

My favorite Rory and Jess moment: When Rory had to fix that sprinkler that was broken when she was watering that guy's lawn and Jess came and helped her, but as soon as she told him Dean was coming, he broke it again so he could fix it for her instead. It was totally adorable. It would've only been cuter if he had kissed her on the cheek.

I only imagine that after the series ended, Rory ran into Jess somewhere on the campaign trail while she followed Obama around for her online news magazine. The two hit it off, realized they were still perfect for each other, especially since they're adults and no longer ruled completely by hormones, and spend all of eternity together.

Because I love Jess. Team Jess Forever.

I am such a loser and shouldn't be allowed internet access after midnight.

Fare the well,

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