Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sweetest Day


So, I live in the wonderful city of Cleveland, Ohio and here in this grand ol' city we celebrate a holiday that's useless as a bucket warm spit.

Sweetest Day.

Never heard of it? Of course you haven't. That's because it's a dumb holiday only celebrated in the Great Lakes regions.

Why does this dumb holiday exist? Well, for that I did some research.

It didn't start out all bad of course. It was invented in 1921 by a group of candy makers who wanted to spread cheer and love and happiness to the poor unfortunate souls who live around here. That's fantastic, isn't it? And on that day they went and gave candy to orphans, the homeless, etc.

What a sweet things to do right? I certainly think so.

But of course, like many things in our society that are meant to spread good, it's dissolved, some how into another holiday that causes girls to be cynics, guys to be douche bags, and for couples to be lovey over.

I never fell into any of those categories. I don't even fall into the category of the girl who gets pissed at her boyfriend for forgetting the stupid holiday.

I fall into the category of "my boyfriend and I both think this holiday is so dumb that we're going to make a point to not do anything on it every year."

This is our second Sweetest Day together. He's working and I'm here, blogging about how stupid I think it is.

Mission accomplished.

Still, if you really think Sweetest Day is SO important and you feel the need to be a cynic or pissed off at your boyfriend, then happy Sweetest Day to you.

I'm gonna go do some dishes and find something more useful to do than remember that this holiday exist.

Fare thee well,

1 comment:

  1. Haha... That does sound pretty dumb.
    That's kinda' sad though, that it started out with such good intentions *shakes head*
