Monday, February 7, 2011

Drama: Why It's Your Fault and How You Can Rectify This Issue


I'm not the type of person who usually says this kind of thing but. . . I'm pretty awesome.

Seriously. I'm really awesome. I like to read books and learn things about people. I like to see people happy. I don't like being mean to others. I hate seeing people be mistreated. I love, well, love.

But recently, it's occurred to me that I might be too awesome for people to handle.

That statement probably makes no sense because how can something be TOO awesome? It's really easy.

A lot of the character traits that I have and value so fiercely that I will NEVER let go of, are highly under valued by everyone.

People don't value kindness and respectfulness and politeness anymore. It's as if we just decided we don't need them anymore. Seriously, people, what's up with that?

You know what's up with that? People are dishonest nowadays too, because people LOVE their drama. They'll go on and on about how they're so over the drama and how they hate that people still act like they're in high school all of the time. "Haters gonna hate" "Do you, Imma do me" and so on and so forth.

A week later they're saying the same thing "bitches love the drama. It's cool though, I'm so over that shit."

And the cycle just keeps repeating itself.

Do you see a massive problem here? Do you see the problem here at all?

You know how I like my drama? I like it on television. That's why I watch "Secret Life of the American Teenager", because it's an awful TV show that gives me all the drama that I lack in my life. And after it's over I go back to my drama free life.

I don't get on Twitter and Facebook and talk about how people are haters or how they need to mind their own business or get a life or how I'm SO over the drama that I'm just going "do me" and leave everyone else behind...

And then get upset a week later when there's still drama.

*head desk*

Am I the only person who hates drama? Seriously. Search your souls. Check your tweets. Check your Facebook. If you continually say "Imma do me" or "I'm so over the drama" or "Haters gonna hate" or any variation of these things, repeatedly, you may have an addiction to drama.

The first step to overcoming your addiction is actually admitting you have a problem. Tell yourself, be honest: "Yes, I do like the drama."

Now, think of all the stress you've had because of the drama. Think of how much damage you're doing to your soul because of the drama. And not just your soul, darling. All that extra stress is probably making your body work double time. The drama will put you in an early grave.

Bacon will probably put me in an early grave.

But I digress, I hate the drama. I hate wondering if people are talking about me when I'm not there. I hate hearing that people are talking about me behind my back and more so than that I hate when people lie about me.

And that, citizens, is why I don't talk.

Yep. It's that easy. Well, it's also because I'm socially awkward and tend to put my foot in my mouth when I talk, but the other reason is definitely because I want to avoid trouble.

If something REALLY bothers me I'll say something. Generally, though, I find most things aren't worth getting upset over.

Let's says something like this goes down:

Random Person: "April, this hoe was saying that you were talking all kinds of BS."

Me: "Is that a fact?"

Random person: "Yeah. What are you gonna do about that Silly-Nanny running around slandering your good name?"

Me: "I'm gonna. . . Bake some cookies."

That's right. When life gives me drama, I bake cookies and eat them and think about how much more I like the than drama. Then I eat another cookie and get on with my life. Maybe I'll read a book. Maybe I'll watch TV. Maybe I'll take a nap.

Maybe I'll go enjoy my life instead of wasting it by getting into a meaningless quarrel with someone who clearly has nothing better to do with their time.

Now if I know you, and I think I do, you probably feel like letting this person run their mouth about you makes you "lame" or some other nonsense. Let's use another example:

Random Person: "OMG, April. This person pissed me off so bad. So after I herd them running their mouth I went and Such and Such what she said and they were like 'OMG. What a bitch.' So we called her up and was like 'WTF is you problem dude?' and she was all like 'I ain't say that' and I know she did because she's a liar. It wore me out. I'm bouta go to bed early tonight. That ever happen to you?"

Me: "Totally! This girl started talking about me right, and I went home and made some cookies and took a nap and read a book and had a pretty enjoyable day. I'm not sure what's she's doing with her life now but I could care less because I'm super happy."

I don't know about you but I definitely enjoy the "cookie making, nap taking, book reading" scenario to the "continuing the circle of drama and not doing anything fun with my life" scenario.

That's how we avoid drama--we don't feed the trolls. We ignore the people who are trying to start it up.

How else do you avoid drama? Stop being so nosy all of the time.

Yes, you. Yeah you. Stop looking around like I'm talking to someone else. I mean YOU. Yes, YOU! Stay out of their business. So what they got into a spat with their lover or best friend or casual acquaintance from across the way. It doesn't concern you.

I know, it's hard to let it go, but you have to. They can sort out their troubles without you, and if they come to you for advice on their problem, try to be more constructive with your advice because honestly "Fuck them" is really vague and could mean any number of things.

People, I implore you: Let it go. It won't kill you to let people's ignorance go. If I didn't let things people said go, I'd be a really awful person. Like, really awful. Cormac McLaggen meets Draco Malfoy awful.

Take your own advice for once, world. "Do you." Do what you want with your life. Do what makes you happy. Don't let the haters bring you down. If people talk, let them talk. You can get on with your happy life.

Trust me, I know.

Fare thee well,
April <3

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