Tuesday, March 1, 2011

April's Read, Write, Clean and Classy Challenge!


So, I got up this morning (11:45 still counts as morning right?), and went to Twitter and then to YouTube and on YouTube I watched a video by this lovely girl I follow on Twitter by the name of Bailey. She and her sister are doing a 30 days of blogging challenge where they will blog every day and be awesome and it got me thinking.

Why don't I challenge myself to do awesome stuff on a whim like that? Why must I always wait until BEDA or NaNoWriMo to start super awesome writing projects? It's March. I'm alive and well today. My fingers work and I'm all hopped on coffee. So I decided that today I am also going to start my super awesome project for the month of March which will be like a spring cleaning for my body and mind.


1. Every day I will write at least 2,000 words of my work-in-progress novel.

2. I will read at least 20 pages of a book every day.

3. If the above two are not met, the remaining word count and pages will roll over to the next day (so if I only write 600 words I'll have to write 3,400 the next day) and as a punishment for failing I'll take away my Twitter privileges for 12 waking hours--during which I'll be crying and torturing my characters because I screwed up.

4. At the end of every day I will give my word count for the day, and the page number of the book I'm reading via, this bloggity blog here along with whatever topic I assign myself for that day (suggestions please?).

5. Every Saturday I have to update the Blogging Harry Potter blog.

But it's not just about reading and writing. There is a lifestyle change involved in this challenge to improve my overall health and well being and to make me less lazy.

1. Get out of bed by nine o'clock. Stop being such a lazy bum.

2. Bed time is Midnight. No exceptions.

3. Do the dishes. Every day. That includes, today, tomorrow and on March 16th when I'll be less motivated to do them.

4. Eat at least twice a day. Food is not an acceptable thing to cut out of my life to make room for books and writing even though I sometimes pretend it is until the hunger pains start.

5. Straighten up the apartment--at least make up the bed every day.

6. Water. Drink it. Every day. One bottle. One glass. Just drink it. No pop at all. Even if it's free soda day at work or something.

7. Stretch. I know it's a weird thing to challenge myself to do but if I stretched and was able to relax and unwind more I wouldn't get so many headaches and muscle aches from being so uptight all of the time.

See, now I'll be improving my brain and my health and the ascetics of my apartment which currently looks like a college dorm room which isn't bad considering I'm actually in college, but I'd like to maintain a classier lifestyle. I do follow the tweets of Maureen Johnson after all--she is all about keeping it classy.

I start today so here are my opening stats:

Word Count: 14,416

Page Number: 20 (Radiant Shadows by Melissa Marr)

So basically: Keep writing, keep reading, keep it clean, keep it classy.

Fare thee well,
April <3


  1. This sounds awesome! I'm Bailey's sister and I feel amazing that our vlogging prompted this. I wish you luck and encouragement during your mission for this month! :D

  2. April, I am so glad to see you on the March Challenge bandwagon! It's so great that my vlogging with Kenzie prompted this. I feel kind of all-powerful! Muhahahaha!


    3. Do the dishes. Every day. That includes, today, tomorrow and on March 16th when I'll be less motivated to do them.

    4. Eat at least twice a day. Food is not an acceptable thing to cut out of my life to make room for books and writing even though I sometimes pretend it is until the hunger pains start.

    ^ Those two are so, so, so me. Especially the eating one. And the dishes one. My sink is over-flowed because I made super dinner last night and then just left it all in the sink. Boo.

    I am so excited to read your blog this month. This is truly brilliant.

    And also, I have this little video treat for you, too: http://www.youtube.com/user/Baileyiswriting?feature=mhum
