So today marks day 2 of my "bad day" and hopefully it will not continue into tomorrow.
Essentially, I woke up feeling better about today than yesterday. I got up early and everything. Just as I went in to make my bed I felt it like a knife--that familiar pain in my side hinting that I'm probably getting another kidney infection.
Ever since I got my first one, I've lived in constant fear of them. I got a second one back in December and I've been trying to drink water to keep myself from getting one.
I slipped a bit in February so I decided to drink more water this month.
Too little to late apparently.
So, after being stricken with pain I laid down in my bed all day trying not to hurt, I started to feel better in the late afternoon and decided that I could go to work and I did and I felt like I was being shanked the entire time, I'd have asked to go home but that would leave one girl to zone the entire softlines part of the store on her own and that would've sucked.
And now I'm home and tired and hurting and drinking water and I have A LOT of catching up to do tomorrow.
But I can do it.
You know, barring a trip to the hospital on account of the possible kidney infection, but let's try to stay optimistic, shall we?
Starting Word Count: 17,212
Ending Word Count: 17,212
Difference: -2,539
Favorite Sentence Written Today: NOTHING!
Starting Page: 38
Ending Page: 38
Difference: -40
Fare thee well,
Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I hope today went better for you and the threat of a kidney infection went away.