Tuesday, March 8, 2011

RWCC Challenge Day 8: Challenge Revisited


This is not an "I Quit" blog. Because I am not a quitter. However, I like many before, have realized that there are certain things that I'm just not capable of doing.

So, this blog is to show that I am revisiting this challenge and setting my goals to a standard that I can actually meet.

Essentially, all of my house hold tasks and health improvement goals will stay the same because laziness and illness are not an option. However. . .

This 12am bedtime is not working.

I'll just lie awake in bed until four being awake, trying to sleep and fail. I do my best writing during this time and if I'm going to be awake then I may as well do what I do best.

The waking up and 8 thing isn't working either however. . .

I'm still going to try, albeit it will be difficult to get up that early if I stay up late but my plan is to eventually wake up one day stay awake until a reasonable hour and then be tired enough to fall asleep, thus putting my sleep schedule back on track (it was ruined by NaNoWriMo).

Now for the reading and writing goals. Essentially I'm doing this:

Still trying to write 2000 words a days but if I don't get it, no sweat. Sometimes the words just aren't there.

One book a week. I did a really good job at this before and I can get back on track so long as I make time for it.

Yesterday I cleaned my apartment (well, not the dishes but it's the BFs turn for that so no worries there) and my bed is totally made up right now so. . . So far so good. Time to get to reading and get to writing.

As for the Harry Potter blog every Saturday, I doubt it'll happen but I will try to update it once a week from now on.

After all, I make the rules and I can change them when I want to. But no quitting. Only quitters quit. On Nov 30th 2010 I'd only written 30k words for NaNoWriMo but was I up until midnight trying to write? Damn right I was.

Fare thee well,

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo! Fair play, April. Nice to see you back, and not overworking yourself. =)
