Tuesday, March 15, 2011

RWCC Challenge Day 15: Secret TV Watching Habits of Classy April


There's a consensus from pretty much every person I have ever met that I'm a bit odd. I've addressed the aspects of being an uber nerd many times over and how that makes me odd.

But then there are other things about myself, things that I can't quite grasp, that also make me odd. These things, I don't usually talk about because they're typically frowned upon by every person I've ever met. Then I have an epiphany that what I'm doing is actually so odd it creeps me out, but that doesn't stop me from t doing it.

The oddest thing that I can think of that bothers me is how addicted I am to what is probably the worst television show ever created:

The Secret Life of the American Teenager.

Yep. As much as I like to keep is classy and how I'm not usually into television that's too horrible, the excitement I feel when I watch that show baffles even me.

Every time I watch Secret Life I feel the same way I felt after I finished reading Breaking Dawn: "Was this series as terrible as I think it was and if so why am I actively encouraging in it's continuation?"

Thinking back to the first episode I see now how awful it was from the very beginning. It wasn't one of those shows that started out good and then got pretty bad, this show has been bad from episode one.

At first you think, oh, it's about a stupid 15-year-old girl who gets pregnant by the school's male slut. Everyone has heard this story. But then it goes on to meeting Ben who wants to lose his virginity and Amy who is so desperate for her baby'd daddy to not be her baby's daddy that she might actually sleep with Ben just to say it's his baby.

I'm beginning to think that I from the beginning found it stupid but watched it too many times and now it's turned my brain to mush and I can't stop.

A lot of people say that Pretty Little Liars is their guilty TV pleasure, but no. Pretty Little Liars is awesome. I have no guilt about that at all. But every time I watch Secret Life I feel dirty. Really, really dirty.

Hopefully it will go off the air soon and I'll have a reason to stop watching it and I'll stop feeling guilty. In the meantime, bring on the guilty (well, starting on the 28th when the new season starts. Shamefully, I am very excited about it).

Fare thee well,

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