That's right! It's April Brother-tuckers! Brace yo'self foos!
Now, that's I've got that brief moment of insanity out of the way, let's get down to the meat of it.
Blog Every Day in April has begun. Are you excited? I am excited. I did pretty good in August with BEDA, I thought, heck, another go won't hurt.
Especially since the RWCC Challenge failed so spectacularly. BUT at least I kept my apartment clean (well, not the past two days--things have been stressful here this week).
Anyway, I've written down some topics to blog about since August was filled with me being angsty and sad and angry and progressively more so as the month went on.
It'll be harder this time around since I'll be working more than I did in August, but heck, I managed to win NaNoWriMo TWICE going to school full-time (let's not talk about the fail of 2010, kthnxbai).
Besides, April is my month. I was BORN this month. I was named after this month. I may get confused every time someone mentions the date and I think people are calling me and they aren't but whatever.
Fun things are planned for this month.
Ready. Set. Blog.
Tomorrow of course.
Fare thee well,
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