Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BEDA 6: Now With More Dolphin


So, I totally was going to write this blog about anime characters that I love, but it's late and I won't be able to give it the care and attention that it deserves.

Instead, I'll tell you about other stuff.

Like tonight at Target, I finished with all my work at about 9:45 which left me with nothing to do for 45 minutes. Some of my softlines buddies finished way before that.

Sometimes while I'm at work I think of really clever things that I could write about but I don't have the opportunity to write them down. It makes me a sad panda.

We are currently debating on whether or not you can use miracle whip if it expired back in August and September.

We say no. One says it's just "the sell by date."

A likely story.

This conversation just happened:

BF: This tuna says it's not dolphin safe?

Me: Really?

BF: No. Why would they put that on a can?

Me: They would in Japan.

BF: This is not Japan.

Me: In Japan they probably say "Now with more dolphin."

Oh yeah, that was in bad taste. I made a joke in bad taste verbally. Booyah.

Fare thee well,

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