Sunday, April 10, 2011

BEDA 10: Melting


This morning I woke up and it was hot as balls. Huzzah! The weather in bipolar Cleveland was finally starting to change in the right direction.

Yes! Warm weather!

Although I'm not the best at heat (it makes me weak) I was excited. Time to break out the shorts and the tank tops (except at Target where apparently I'll still be doomed to red and khaki pants.

So I get upstairs from sleeping in the basement and the house is, as always, melting.

But I sit down on the couch and prepare to wait Bait Car and then I smell something. A smelly sort of smell.

The smell that you smell when you turn the heat on in your house.


I did not understand. I still do not understand why, on the first hot day of summer, after staying here house sitting in the cold for three days THIS was the day that someone turned on the heat.

My brain was confused.

It was simple as turning the heat off and opening a few doors and blowing a fan to cool it down slightly, but still--it is hot as balls out here.

It is incredibly hot. But tomorrow it will be 60 and slowly the temperature will drop to the 40 again, just in time for me to turn 20. Boo!

Ah, the sun is setting. I can already feel it cooling down.

Time for me to relax...

Fare thee well,

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