Thursday, August 5, 2010

BEDA 5: Dumbledore Is Gay, and That's Okay


Holy cow! Gay marriage in California is a go-go. Equality for the win!

Seriously, it warms my heart to see stuff like that happen. It's totally awesome that people are getting the opportunity to share their lives with people they love despite gender. Yes, world, freaking awesome.

I live in Ohio which is a pretty awesome state, but gay marriage isn't legal here which is a bummer and also really confusing. Like, the volume of gay people is massive here--or maybe I just happen to know tons and tons of them. Anyway, it does make sense because until recently Ohio was a red state (a very red state, not like Texas red, but red enough) and red states are usually quite opposed to gay marriage.

It totally blows that there's no gay marriage here. I'm personally not gay but I have friends, and even family members, that are and they deserve the same privileges straight people do.

And even though not everyone in the world is as open about people being people and being together and happy and loving each other, I do know that there are people out there who do, in spite of what can only be assumed is ignorance, try to make the world better for our fellow gay man.

Like Google, who I'm pretty much in love with, has this company policy where gay employees get paid slightly more because they won't get benefits that straight people get or something or other. This article explains it much better than I do, but I think Google is awesome for that, among all the other awesome things that they do.

Like my android phone *strokes droid eris lovingly*

Anywho, I hope that one day our world will accept everyone for who they are and love them for who they love and not be so ridiculous.

And I don't mean just for LGBT's. Not too long ago a couple in I think Louisiana wasn't allowed a marriage license because they're an interracial couple which does directly concern me being that I'm in an interracial relationship.

Ignorance of all kind needs to be gotten rid of and people should be allowed to love each other and just live in general despite who they love or what they believe or whatever.

People are people. We're all carbon based life forms aren't we (I mean, that is scientifically correct isn't it? Carbon right? Crap, I should've paid more attention in biology class but it's SO HARD when your lab partner is a cute boy).

Fare Thee Well,

1 comment:

  1. I think this is kind of today's theme. My blog today was about this, in a way, too.
